Beyond Form

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A Note From Our Founder

Fashion and product has been in my blood since I was a kid. My family worked in the rag trade since the 1980’s producing products for some of the world’s best known brands. I have spent the last 15 years working within the fashion industry in variety of guises from developing my own lines, to producing collections for international brands, and even fashion retailing helping cool small independent brands to grow. A lot has happened and changed during that time.

Creativity and access to resources has never been in such an abundance. Paired with easier routes to market, especially in the digital age, brands are popping up constantly with more ideas, new products and more variety. However, this saturation comes with a whole set of challenges. The savvy consumer has so much choice and are no longer as brand loyal as they once were, meaning standing out is getting harder by the day. Brands need to strategise and execute as carefully as they can.

That’s why I have founded Beyond Form. Brands big or small who have huge ambitions will benefit from having a partner that can guide them from concept right through to market launch. I wanted to provide something that is not just another agency, but a go to for meaningful partnerships with specialists. Thus ultimately allowing them to flourish, grow, evolve and find new ways to win.

Peter Jeun Ho Tsang,

Founder, Beyond Form