Beyond Form

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Foundry Launches to Usher In a New Wave of Fashion Tech Innovation

The Beyond Form team has been working closely with IFA Paris and we are proud to announce the following:

We are excited to announce that ​the Foundry powered by IFA Paris ​opened its doors on the 23​rd September 2019 at 18 – 24 Quai de La Marne in Paris’ creative 19​ district. Join us for a cocktail and canapés on 14​ November from 7pm to celebrate the launch.

On a mission to pioneer fashion tech innovation in Paris and beyond, ​the lab is a space for ideas to become a reality which space members and the general public can get an insight of how the future of fashion is going to look. You will be able to experience great pieces of technology from our partners such as by TG3D Studio, IBM and N-Hega. View your own 3D avatar by stepping inside TG3D Studio’s 3D body scanner, which scans you in just three seconds and then creates your own little digital mini-me. There will be a fascinating showcase from IBM about Cognitive Fashion, Artificial Intelligence and more; and inside the makerspace Foundry members can create to their heart’s content using software such as N-Hega’s pattern digitizer.

Foundry is a dynamic fashion tech lab and the first of its kind in Paris. Its 400 square meters comprises of co-working spaces, a tech demo room and an experimental makerspace equipped with cutting edge technical equipment. It will enable member entrepreneurs, startups and students to work alongside each other – creating the opportunity for them to make extraordinary leaps in fashion and innovation.

Foundry is open Monday – Friday 9am to 6pm for the general public and industry to visit; and desk spaces are now available for entrepreneurs and startups inside the lab. For more information visit