Beyond Form Partner: WiMetrix

Fashion factory data analytics platform unlocking profits by optimising floor efficiencies

Wimetrix Dashboard
WiMetrix Factory Floor
wimetrix factory sign

AI driven to give fashion factory managers powerful insights

WiMetrix is a suite of tools that allow factories to accurately track their production in real-time. Combining hardware and software to capture factory data that is then analysed to provide users with insight reports on operational issues. Their flagship products, Smart Production Tracking System, and, Smart Quality Management System, are used be clients globally that have drastically improved their profit margins by up to 50% in the process.

WiMetrix Key Stats


Reduction in operational costs


Increase in profit margin


Successful factory deployments


Annual savings in total

Our Partnership with WiMetrix

Since 2023 Beyond Form and WiMetrix have partnered to bring their fashion production tracking solutions to the global market. With founders Abdul and Mansoor, the Beyond Form team has helped to tackle business challenges such as user base growth, new market entry, and International positioning.

Successes to date

-Redefined the company's identity and strategic vision.

-Streamlined the sales process and key messaging; increasing the revenue.

-Improvement of the marketing communications to increase WiMetrix's awareness and lead generation.

-Introduction to key market leaders in several verticals.

Wimetrix team

Founders: Abdul Moiz Sajjad & Mansoor Ahmad

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 Book a Demo with WiMetrix